Of Knowledge
It looks like a fist,
red hot and ready.
It smells like water
from a petrified spring.
It feels like the skin
of an intimate ankle.
It sounds like an empty room.
Fall, it could be a knock.
It tastes like leaving,
sweet sand on my tongue.
A waterfall of teeth marks unearth
the road to the core.
Clouds race like dogs over land
There's a pot of steamy nimbus being cooked
rising from a hot pool surrounded by snow
Geyser springs are beautiful open sores
Undersea thermal bubbles endless cotton candy
Fire and water give birth to crusty daughter
Like a star being born in steam
Liquid rock cools hardens like chocolate shell
Is a volcano simply a giant pimple
When it blows there goes fiery pus
Boiling lava might as well be lighted ice cream
Millions of trees get knocked over like pick-up sticks
Volcano blown, now the scab is much smaller
Volcano dead not unlike stone sculpture
Mountainous fingers feel their way across earth
without moving more than inches a year
Big ants run get squashed by falling buildings
Earthquake fault merely seams on a baseball
Maybe a waterfall is just a runny nose
Ski jumper, you know you look like a flying
squirrel when you spring in the sky, don’t you
Luge (and Skeleton), how does it feel to be a bullet
rocketing down an open barrel (head first)
Alpine skiers, are you speeding down that hill like
someone who forgot to turn off their car alarm
Snowboard racers, do you enjoy being a gang
of four hopping over speed bumps made of snow
Cross country, why do I think of you as a human
Hot Wheel forced to row two sticks up snowy track
Speed skaters, you seem like a hip grandfather
clock when you swing your pendulum arm, no
Women’s hockey, two Chinese dragons guard
the net, is that a powerful mindset, or what
Skating pairs, do you love flinging
your partner in the air (I’ll wait)
Curling, who can scrape the smooth clean
kitchen floor of ice most efficiently
Slope style, do you think you live to twist and
twist and twist and twist again
Bobsled, isn’t this an amusement park ride
(sure looks like one)
Ski cross, you appear to start like a penguin
and turn into a shark with fins, right
Figure skaters, why is the Russian girl so
triple axel athletic over the others
Mass start, you begin together as a centipede,
yet seek to split apart for individual victory, yes
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